Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baggie Time

(Phone Rings)

El Salvador: Hello?

China: Yo El Salvador, it's China. What's up dude?

El Salvador: Nothin, just chillin eating some pupusas. What's up with you bro?

China: Nuttin, kickin it. Hey dude, you wanna 50,000,000,000 baggies?

El Salvador: Mmmmm, barely. What kind?

China: The black kind with handles. And I'll throw in 10,000,000,000 clear ones without handles.

El Salvador: Mmmm.

China: Come on! You can put drinks in the clear ones, and every single Salvadorian can have a stash of the black ones.

El Salvador: Mmmm. I dunno.

China: Come on!!!!!

El Salvador: Mmmmm, phsssyea.

China: 60 billion coming your way. Thanks bro you're really helpin me out.

El Salvador: No problem bro, anytime.

I´m pretty sure this is how international trading works. Everyone who sells anything here uses the same black plastic bags. El Salvador has so many more uses for the plastic bag than we do in the states; the first time I bought a coke and the vendor poured it into a plastic bag and put a straw in the bag--I was completely baffled, I was sure I had done something wrong. Turns out pouring a coke into a bag here is just par for the course, so the vendor can return the glass bottles for the deposit.

Me enjoying a coke in a bag!

Me enjoying a bag of water. As you can see a bag of water here is
on par with bottled water but cost a great deal less (ten cents) and
at least 3 times as refreshing.

1 comment:

Jefferson Arak said...

The only reason that Salvador conceded on the bags was because he just got back from the cantina with Mexico and Nicaragua where they drunkenly extolled the various benefits of putting shit in small plastic bags- even if the shit is itself a liquid, something you are going to use or consume at that very moment, or already packaged in a plastic bag. Although...